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Do THC Edibles Work to Calm a Cough?
October 1, 2023 at 7:00 AM

Here at Your Coastal Connection, we get a lot of questions about using cannabis edibles to help manage cough symptoms. As more research emerges on the potential therapeutic effects of THC and CBD, people want to know—can edibles really calm your cough?

While evidence is still limited, some studies suggest cannabinoids may have antitussive properties that suppress coughing. THC in particular demonstrates effects that may relieve coughing fits, especially coughs related to conditions like bronchitis.

How Can THC Edibles Help Your Cough?

THC is known to have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects in the body. When you ingest edibles, the THC binds to endocannabinoid receptors throughout the body and brain. This produces reactions that may:

  • Suppress excessive cough reflexes
  • Soothe lung irritation and reduce mucus
  • Relax bronchial muscles that spasm during coughing
  • Alleviate pain from heavy coughing
  • Act as a mild sedative to prevent coughing at night

So while THC may not tackle the root cause of your cough, it can treat the symptoms for temporary relief. This may curb frequent coughing fits to give your lungs and throat a break.

Studies on THC and Coughing

Most cough-related research has focused on CBD so far. But a few studies have explored how THC may impact coughing:

  • A 2013 animal study found THC reduced coughing in guinea pigs. The THC’s antitussive effect was greater than common cough suppressing agents codeine and hydrocodone.
  • A 1990 study gave 47 subjects with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease either smoked cannabis or a placebo. Ingesting THC significantly reduced coughing, sputum production, and shortness of breath.
  • A 2015 review found THC has shown anti-inflammatory effects in the lungs and may relieve bronchospasms or reduce mucus hypersecretion.

While this research shows promise, more clinical trials in humans are needed to better understand THC’s effects on different types of coughs. But the current evidence indicates THC may have antitussive properties that help control coughing.

Trying THC Edibles for Cough

If you want to experiment with THC edibles to calm your cough, start with a low dose of 5-10mg THC. Ingest the edible at night to help suppress coughing during sleep. Pick indica edibles over sativa, since indica’s sedating effects are better for cough relief.

Give the edible time to kick in - it may take 30 minutes to 2 hours to fully activate due to the digestive process. Keep water on hand to stay hydrated, as THC can cause dry mouth. Avoid smoking or vaping, as this can further irritate the throat and lungs.

Monitor your symptoms closely to see if the THC edible helps minimize coughing. Increase your dose slowly if needed, but avoid exceeding 20mg THC per dose. High doses may cause side effects like dizziness or anxiety. You want the lowest effective dose to simply curb coughing.

Visit Your Coastal Connection’s expert budtenders to discuss which edibles may suit your needs best. We carry a variety of THC edibles, tinctures, and capsules to choose from. Our staff can explain proper dosing and expectations so you get the maximum benefits.

Use Edibles as Part of Your Cough Management Plan

While THC shows promise for cough relief, it’s important to use edibles as just one part of an overall cough management plan. Be sure to:

  • Treat any underlying illness causing the cough with proper medical care
  • Stay hydrated and use cough drops to soothe your throat
  • Use steam, humidifiers, and nasal saline spray to ease congestion
  • Rest your voice and avoid smoke or pollution that could irritate your lungs
  • Take cough suppressant medication if your doctor recommends it

THC edibles can provide complementary relief on top of these self-care strategies. But they should not replace medical treatment or over-the-counter cough medicine without your doctor's guidance.

Consult Your Coastal Connection to Learn More About THC Edibles for Cough

If you want to explore using edibles to relieve cough symptoms, consult Your Coastal Connection’s knowledgeable budtenders. We can explain the pros and cons of trying cannabis edibles for cough relief based on your health history and needs. Our staff stays up to date on the latest research to provide responsible recommendations and dosing guidance. Find out if THC edibles could help calm your cough so you can breathe easier.

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